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By this private instrument, on the one hand, MARIA LIDUINA SILVEIRA ME, a legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ/MF under No. 02.645.087/0001-80, headquartered at Av. Santos Dumont, nº 2626, room 1211, Aldeota, Fortaleza, Ceará, CEP: 60.150-162 in this act represented by the partners, MARIA LIDUINA SILVEIRA VASCONCELOS, registered no CPF 057.736.103-10. , Casada, empresário e Suyanne de Fátima Vasconcelos Cavalcante, Sócio-Diretor, casada, advogada, corretora de imóveis inscrita no CRECI/CE 10412 F , CPF 864.456.773-04, E‑mail:

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Clause 1. The object of this instrument is the furnished residential property, described below selected, exclusively intended for seasonal rental, , and the LESSEE cannot, in any In any case, change its destination without the express consent of the LESSOR or its ATTORNEY, however, it must treat it with the same care and zeal as if it were its own, constituting a serious breach of contract if the failure to comply with this obligation will justify the termination of the contract, with the consequent penalties (Art. 23, II, of Law 8.245/91, on Tenancy). 
Clause 2. The LESSEE must use the property object of this contract, only for its own residential purpose and that of its family.
Clause 3. The LESSEE is obliged to act in accordance with the internal regulations established in the condominium rules, being civilly and criminally liable, including the payment of fines executed during the term of this instrument.
Single paragraph. The LESSEE is obliged to take care of the conservation of the property, as well as all the goods it contains, being responsible for delivering it at the end of the period stipulated in this contract, under the conditions in which it was received as stated in the attached inspection term. It is the responsibility of the LESSEE to make immediate communication to the LESSOR, whenever there is any serious damage to the structure of the property or its facilities, furniture, electronics and decoration. In case of damage to the items mentioned above, it is at the discretion of the lessor to stipulate the amount necessary for the lessee to replace, correct and purchase a new product, parts, decoration items, furniture, broken, damaged or abused utensils. Failure to comply with these rules and payment of damaged items may generate legal charges, restriction and protest in the lessee's registry office.
Clause 4. The LESSEE will pay the LESSOR for the rent of the residential unit plus the amount of fees and taxes, in the current account described in this contract, Banco Itaú 341, branch 8130, current account 17419-9, CNPJ 02.645.087/0001-80, Maria Liduina Silveira ME, the following amount below according to the selected payment method:
Clause 5. The lease will have a term described below, from 3 pm on the day of arrival (check in) selected below until 11 am on the day of departure (check out) selected below, effective from the signature of both parties to this contract, electronic signatures. After the exit date described below, the effects of this contract will cease, regardless of judicial or extrajudicial notification. ​

Clause 6. If the LESSEE does not vacate the property on the date stipulated in clause 5, it will be subject to the payment of a daily fine in the amount of R$ 1 thousand (One reais), while occupying the property. In case of withdrawal 30 days before the arrival date stipulated in clause 5. the customer loses the amounts paid for the reservation.
Clause 7. This contract becomes effective between the parties from the electronic signature (acceptance of the terms and conditions), electronic confirmation of the same below and receipt by email by the lessor.

Paragraph 1. If requested, the lessee will guarantee the lessor the amount of R$ 1000.00 (one thousand reais) referring to the guarantee of the security deposit, imprisoned in a credit card or cash deposit to be returned when the related period ends, as informed in clause 5 .

Paragraph 2. The lessee will pay the lessor the electricity consumption of the period informed in clause 5a. if it exceeds a free deductible granted of R$ 600 or 462 kWh during the leased period. Measurement informed at entry and exit, calculated by the apartment's electricity meter at the value of R$ 1.30 KW/h, referring to the kwh rate, values ​​already included for icms, pis, cofins and public lighting fee proportional to the period leased. In cases of booking on partner sites, the amount will be previously informed in the booking contract of the, agent, as well as the charges and taxes arising from the amount consumed.

Clause 8. The apartment, informed in clause 1, will be delivered clean, organized and with all the linen and towels. The lessor will be granted a complete cleaning during the period of stay informed in clause 6 of this contact, with a complete change of bed and bath linen.
Clause 9. To settle any disputes arising from the CONTRACT, the parties elect the jurisdiction of the district of Fortaleza-Ceará; By being thus fair and contracted, they sign this instrument, in two copies of equal content, together with the term of acceptance of the general conditions.

SVC Negócios imobiliários & Vacations LTDA

CNPJ 23,889,077/0001-60

Suyanne Vasconcelos

CRECI/CE 10412 F

Contract accepted and sent successfully!!

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